First In Line
I taught elementary school, I would always smile at how the children loved to
be first: first in line, first in the bus, first in the front seat. I would smile and think how common this
desire is for all of us. The
desire to be first can stand in the way of being for others. In today’s Gospel the mother of the
Sons of Zebedee asks Jesus that her sons sit on his left and on his right in
the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus tells
her that this is not his to give. He also says, the
one who is great is the one who serves.
Christian disciples we are called to serve in the kingdom. This calls us to reach out beyond our
tiny world and see to the needs of all people. By putting others in first place, we create a space where
the good news of Jesus Christ can be heard.
do you serve Christ in the people you meet? Do you feel called to serve in a new way.
of all people,
us reach beyond our tiny world
as to open our hearts to all your people.
our service in your Name
a gift in your world that is so in need of your mercy.
ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.