Friday, February 15, 2013

Creating Space

I think we could probably all agree that we desire God to be the center of our lives.  Our Lenten journey is a reminder to make this desire a reality.  It is easy to get off course and not realize that other things are creeping into our lives and taking up way too much space.  That’s where fasting comes in.  When we think of fasting we usually think of food.  That’s a good place to start.  When we fast from food for any period of time, our hunger pains quickly remind us that we cannot survive without food, especially the Bread of Life offered to us daily.  So . . .fasting from food is a good thing.  It is something I do to remind myself to turn to God for all my needs and to give myself to God wholeheartedly.  I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what fills my life, what takes up too much space in my heart.  I believe I am called to fast from these things as well.  It could be worrying, social networking, rigid ideas that stop me from loving etc.   This Lent I’m going to pay attention to what takes up too much space and then fast from it so that I can create more space for God in my everyday life.

Reflect on what takes up a lot of space in your life, what tends to consume you?  You might want to try fasting from it for even a week of Lent (if the whole of Lent seems like an impossibility) and pay attention to what happens within you and in the way you relate to others.

God of all blessings,
You desire to consume us with your love.
Help us to let go of those things that consume us so that we can make space for your love.
Give us the courage to give all to you so that we can truly receive all that you desire for us.
We ask this in your most holy name, Jesus Christ our Lord.