Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Time to Begin Again

I have always loved Ash Wednesday.  Some people think that is strange but I don’t.   I like it because it is an opportunity to begin again.  We are all in need of this season of Lent.  The fact that churches throughout our country will be overflowing on this day of receiving ashes is evidence of that.  I am aware of my gifts but maybe even more of the areas where I fall short..  And so the Church gives this time to begin again, to turn to our Lord.  

In our monastery we have the tradition of filling out our Bona Opera (which means “Good Works” in Latin).  A little while before Ash Wednesday our Prioress gives us a card that says:  During these days of Lent, I, Sr __________________, will add to the usual measure of our service by way of . . .  Prayer  _____________________, Fasting ________________________ Almsgiving _________________________.   Each Sister spends time reflecting on these areas in her life and how she needs to grow.  After prayerful consideration, she fills it out and places it in a basket in our chapel.  During Mass on Ash Wednesday our Bona Operas are blessed as we begin the good work of Lent.  It is work, isn’t it?  It is hard to change, to grow, to let go of those parts of ourselves that don’t take us to God.  And, yet, grow we must if we are to become the person God has called us to be.

Reflect on the areas of your life where you most need to grow. Ask Jesus to help you turn back to him with all your heart.

What does Ash Wednesday mean to you?  Share the ways that this season of Lent calls you to grow.

Loving God,
You ask us to repent and believe in the Gospel
And to remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return.
We are nothing without you but with you we are everything.
Be with us as we begin this season of Lent.
May it be a time of continual turning to you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.