On Thursday, October 7th, the Serra Club of Indianapolis planned a Vocation Exploration day for 8th Graders. The young men went to the Bishop Simon Brute College Seminary and the young women came to Our Lady of Grace Monastery.
It was wonderful to have these young women with us. They represented several schools in the Archdiocese and were accompanied by four chaperones. They arrived at 10:00 a.m. and stayed until 2:00 p.m. They joined us for prayer and a meal, a tour of the monastery and a talk on vocations. I was so impressed with these young women. It was fun to get to know them and learn more about the questions they have. Each of them was so respectful and participated in the day fully. It is a gift to know that these young women are a part of our faith and desire to take their faith seriously.
Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to discern God's call in their lives. A big thanks to the Serra Club who continue to pray for vocations and offer opportunities for vocation exploration.