Each sister in our monastery makes a week- long retreat once a year. This retreat gives each of us the opportunity to reflect on our lives with the One who is the center of our lives, Jesus Christ. Last week I was blessed to be able to go on retreat. I got to go to a retreat center in Kentucky and spend time in a hermitage. I was especially blessed to be able to go on retreat during the spring. Creation was fully alive with trees and flowers blooming everywhere.
It was a great gift to spend the week in silence taking time for reading, prayer and reflection. This quality time with Jesus helped me to reflect on my life and to grow deeper in my relationship with him. I also took time to reflect on the areas of my life I need to celebrate and those I need to work on. Spending time with Jesus helped me take a long and loving look at my life. I am thankful for the time I to retreat, to step back and take a closer look at my life with Jesus. It gives me hope and renewed energy as I engage daily life again.