Seek God in everyone and everything, everyday of your life . . .
The Sisters of Saint Benedict of Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, Indiana share moments and insights from their daily life of seeking God.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Goose Delights In Her Little Ones
Each year we have a goose and gander that come to the monastery to lay their eggs. It is quite a faith experience to watch her (we've named her Gladys) as she sits on her eggs through storms and beautiful weather. She is the faithful mother who watches over her children. Nothing frightens her away. Many of the sisters have commented on how much it reminds them of God's love for us that is unwavering. God holds us under the wings of love and never lets us go.
Thought you might enjoy seeing a couple of videos. One is of the goslings exploring the world around them. The other is of Mama and Papa processing from our retreat center towards our monastery to the sound of our bells. It is almost as if they are making a procession to the chapel.