This week we celebrate two great Benedictine saints of our church. Yesterday, Tuesday November 16, we celebrated St. Gertrude the Great. She was the only mystic to be named "Great". She went to the monastery of Helfta at the age of five to be taken care of by the nuns. Later she chose to become a nun and grew in holiness in the midst of her community. The Church celebrates St. Mechtild's feast on November 19. St. Mechtild served as St. Gertrude's Formation Director and they grew close in spiritual friendship.
Both of them had a deep love of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours. It was through the liturgy that they grew closer to Christ and gained strength. Both of them had a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart. Both of these saints had visions and deep experiences of contemplation that have been written down for others to share.
As we grow in our faith and commitment to Christ through the liturgy, let us ask Sts. Gertrude and Mechtild to pray for us.