Seek God in everyone and everything, everyday of your life . . . The Sisters of Saint Benedict of Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, Indiana share moments and insights from their daily life of seeking God.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lenten Check-Up
This morning as I took time for silence and some journaling, I became deeply aware of the gift that the season of Lent is in my life. It is a time of spring cleaning both outwardly and inwardly. Usually during Lent I take time to go through the things that I have and take inventory of what I really need. This is a great exercise because it is amazing how much one can accumulate without even realizing it. As I do this, it also reminds me of the clutter within that also needs tending to and must not be forgotten. The Lenten disciplines that I have been practicing are supposed to help me let go of some of this clutter and turn my attention more fully to God. As I reflected on the disciplines I have been practicing, I became aware of those areas that I have been faithful to and those that need a little more attention. Today God blessed me with a Lenten Check-Up. There are still more days of Lent for me to deeper in my practices. By doing so, I will truly be able to look forward to Easter with the "holy longing" that Benedict speaks about.